

Excerpts from pieces by
Prokofiev, Debussy, Haydn, Mozart,
Tchaikovsky, Strauss, and Dunayevsky

The programme is subject to change

3 January 2022 Monday 15.00 Grand hall
15.00 Grand hall

“Magic Orchestra”
Mr. Pejo Travelling Dolls

Moscow State Symphony Orchestra
Art director and chief conductor Ivan Rudin
Mr. Pejo Travelling Dolls Theatre
Director Dmitriy Otyakovsky
Creative producer Oleg Skotnikov

Exclusive authors’ stage production of “family entertainment” genre is a New Year feature of Zaryadye Hall. This time, kids and parents would be involved into whirlwind of New Year magic with the help of great artists, Mr. Pejo Travelling Dolls Theatre with Moscow State Symphony Orchestra and its art director and chief conductor Ivan Rudin.

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The Great French Horn Constellation is situated in a million light years from our Galaxy. The wisest beings that are in the know of Universal harmony secret live there. The Hornians keep the secret, for the Space is full of danger: sly Dissonances hide in the depth of the asteroid belt, while many moons of Jupiter shelter mysterious Munsters…

The captain of the interstellar cruiser invites young Galaxy researchers to join him in a stunning musical adventure. Together, guys and girls, we gonna travel through time and space to listen to the songs of cosmic whales, and try to crack the secret kept by the Hornians.

From the November 8th, 2021, attendance of concerts is possible only with QR code that contains information about vaccination, recent disease, or negative PCR test results (since 8 December 2021, its validity is shortened to 48 hours), as well as passport with data similar to that containing in the QR code (PCR test with the QR code is sent to Gosuslugi website, only if the test was done in a laboratory connected to EMIAS).