Happy Birthday! Zaryadye Hall CEO Olga Zhukova was born on this day

Happy Birthday! Zaryadye Hall CEO Olga Zhukova was born on this day

16 September 2021
Happy Birthday! Zaryadye Hall CEO Olga Zhukova was born on this day

Dear Olga Edouardovna!

Today is your birthday, and this day is very important for all of us, too. Every year, we try to make it special, something to remember, and we hope we’re good at this.

From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you good health, while in times like this these words sound real and used consciously. 

For us, it’s quite obvious that Zaryadye Hall is your passion, since you put your heart into your work, and every minute of your life. So, we only wish our Zaryadye to strive under your guidance.

Actually, we all of us are lucky employees, since our boss is not a strong and talented manager, but a stunningly beautiful woman, too. You make us really proud!

May all your creative projects fulfil, ambitious plans follow one another, while problems solved with your own velocity.

Dear Olga Edouardovna, let happiness and soul harmony never abandon you! 

The team of Zaryadye Hall.

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Phone: +7 (499) 222-00-00