Andrey Maximov: “‘Exploit’ is the Genre of This Show”

Andrey Maximov: “‘Exploit’ is the Genre of This Show”

21 December 2020

Journalist, author, playwright, TV presenter
reviews “Eben Skin” show
starring Petr Glavatskikh and Yulia Peresild

Andrey Maximov: “‘Exploit’ is the Genre of This Show”

“Several characters are in the ‘Eben Skin’. The Actress. The Musician. The Poetry. The Music. It’s not a metaphor, it’s truth. The four characters meet, interact, and complement each other, only to show us the magic world of a great Russian poet. The poet is Nikolay Gumilyov, who not only tells us about his trip across Africa, but acts as if he really were an inhabitant of those exotic destinations. His poetry totally lacks neither traveler’s attitude nor any evaluation. His poetry goes right from the depths of his soul”.

Click to read full review in “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” >>

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