Vladimir Spivakov and NFOR started "All Shostakovich Symphonies" Cycle

Vladimir Spivakov and NFOR started "All Shostakovich Symphonies" Cycle

18 February 2021

All of the composer's symphonies to be performed in our Hall during the year.

Vladimir Spivakov and NFOR started "All Shostakovich Symphonies" Cycle

The first concert of the cycle commemorating the 115th birthday of Dmitry Shostakovich took place at Zaryadye hall on February 17th. All of the composer's symphonies to be performed in our Hall during the year.

The large scale project started with 9th Symphony performed by National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia (NFOR). Vladimir Spivakov was the conductor.

"I think it's a real exploit of Zaryadye Hall", maestro characterized the organization of the cycle in his interview for "Rossiya Kultura" TV channel.

The next concert of the cycle is to be played as early as on the 26th of February.
Russian National Orchestra led by Andrey Boreyko will perform 12th Symphony.

Art scholar Olga Digonskaya will talk the creation of the symphony right before the concert, during her lecture in the Small hall.

Watch the TV Kultura reportage: https://clck.ru/TLfvR

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Phone: +7 (499) 222-00-00